Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pope Francis and the Moslems… | jcurtisblog

Pope Francis and the Moslems… | jcurtisblog

Pope Francis, as this link will explain, has just led the canonization of ‘hundreds’ of Saints–new Saints–of the Roman Catholic Church. So what, if you’re not Catholic? Especially if you’re not Religious Conversion Toolreligious at all. That ‘what’ adds up to quite a lot, seems to me.
First, if there’s anyone left now representing the Catholic status quo our new Roman Pontiff has not thought to offend, whoever it may be escapes me. He has shaken up all from the pompous prelates through the Vatican bureaucracy to his own security folk. And I suspect he’s just getting started…

The Pope shares no such delusions; he has his lists of martyrs stretching back into history to remind him. And unlike the American President, he offers outreach that must be met with outreach from the other end. Maybe the Pope should send the President a list of his new Saints, with a short explanation of how  and why each died……

Pope Francis and the Moslems… | jcurtisblog

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